Goodbye Upemor

It is the final few days here at the Upemor.  The time here really went fast.  I didn’t really have any expectations when I first started here, but I am really glad to have come.  It has been fun, tiring at times, and a great opportunity.  I have learnt about the biodiversity on campus and also much more Spanish than I started with.

In these last couple of days, I am trying to wrap up my project.  Not all of my photographs have been identified, but I still need to put them all in a presentation.  I am also finishing up the tree inventory.  I have a large map that is almost fully complete, with hundreds of trees marked off.  I am hoping my work can help others here learn about the biodiversity and help the cecam move forward in all of its goals.

I will miss the people here and hope to stay in touch!  I can’t wait to see what is done with my project.

Below are some photos I’ve taken throughout the weeks !cacaloxuchitl - arbol de flor de mayo mariposa ojo de venado Phyla nodiflora

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